My Summer Vacation

In the summer, my family and I go to Acadia National Park. We hike many mountains, and these are two of them. We climb them pretty much every year we go. They are called the North and South Bubbles. The South Bubble has a huge rock hanging off of the edge of it. Each year my sister and I have tried to push it off, but it doesn’t budge. It has been a tradition for us to climb these mountains each and every year we go there.

skeeze / Pixabay

Introducing… Me!

Since this is my first post, I am going to tell you a little about myself. My name is Kate. My favorite color is yellow. My favorite animal is a white-tailed deer. I have been playing softball for almost 6 years now. My favorite classes in school are Science and Spanish. I live near the beach and I love summer. I am so excited to start blogging!

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